Thursday 17 September 2020

Tinder date 2.0: a real American adventure- NSFW

Ah internet dating. Just after the breakup with 'him', I figured as I didn't know many people I would dip my toes into the murky waters of tinder. This event takes place before the original tinder date story. It was February time as it was snowy and absolutely baltic, quite literally as the temperature was -10°c.

I had been scrolling aimlessly on Tinder one evening and come across someone who took my fancy, he was 20 (at the time I myself was 27 and didn't really care about age so much) a college student nearby studying Chemistry. He told me he was in a fraternity and I was intrigued in this as we don't typically use the Greek system in the UK. He tells me the frat name proudly like I'm supposed to have heard of them and I tell him about my university time. (I should mention here I completely forgot the legal drinking age was 21 as it didn't effect me, this will come into play later on.) We arrange to meet one Thursday at a bar we'll call 'Inked mother', a bar I had heard good things about but hadn't visited yet. 

Thursday evening rolls round, I dress warmly and head out the door deciding on the subway as it would be warmer. I find my way to the bar and he is outside and greets me with a hug and a kiss on the cheek. He looks exactly like his picture which is refreshing and reassuring, he is chiselled with dark hair and glassy blue eyes. I've always had a weakness for dark hair and blue eyes. We'll call him frat boy or FB. We sit at the bar and I order a soda and he does too. Conversation flows easily and we make light of the differences between Philly and the UK.

I decide I feel comfortable and order myself a cocktail and ask if he wanted one too, he agrees and has a strange grin on his face which confuses me slightly. After he finishes said cocktail he whispers in my ear he was only 20 and that he couldn't legally drink yet. I don't quite know how to react but he tells me he and his frat brothers drink 'loads all the time' and that he could easily drink me under the table. I rebuff that I doubt it and that cheeky grin makes a reappearance. 

It's getting late and the subway would be closing soon and I mention this he immediately asks if I want to go to a frat party with him and the house and I am curious and agree. He takes hold of my hand and we walk to the subway to head north to the uni campus. It starts to snow and he stops dead in the path and kisses me out of nowhere. I'm a little taken aback and stumble slightly and he takes this as a cue to 'romantically' push me against a wall and kiss me. He's not a terrible kisser but not great and I begin to suspect he hasn't has much experience with women.

We get the subway and walk the few blocks to the frat house and it's exactly how it looks in the movies. The frat name on the house and guys with varsity jackets on. We go inside and a guy walks right up to FB and bro hugs him and asks if I am his tinder date, I reply that I am and the room goes silent. Apparently English people don't go to frat parties and I am bombarded with questions. Someone brings me a drink and I sit on a couch while being introduced to everyone. There were some sorority girls there who came over to talk to me asking me again if I was FB's date and where we had been. Someone pipes up that they are out of booze and they needed someone to do a beer run. The room quietens and looks at me, being I was of age I could legally buy them alcohol but I didn't feel comfortable and said that whoever got them the beer before should go because I didn't know the area and played the defenceless woman card.

The cavalry arrives with the alcohol and again the party picks up. My date asks if I smoke to which I replied I did and he asks if I would like to go somewhere a little quieter. I agree sensing he wanted me alone to have his way with me and me being a little buzzed I agreed. He takes me to his room and its stunning, all wood and dark with the centrepiece being a four poster bed. We sit on the bed and he brings over a tin with a few blunts in and we sit back and smoke. He puts his hand on my thigh and moves my dress up and then leans in for a kiss. Somehow he has gotten infinitely better at kissing and we make out for what seems like forever, somehow in my head this is some corny coming of age movie where the jock makes a bet with his friends to pull the artsy goth type. 

His hand reaches further up my thigh and I get a familiar twinge of longing. My hands run through his hair as I pull him closer into me, his other hand moves up to my breasts. He takes his shirt off and am pleasantly surprised at how sculpted he was. I follow suit and pull my dress over my head revealing the  matching black lace underwear I was wearing, I was wearing tights because it was so cold and tried to take them off with little ceremony. I walk up to the bed and straddle FB, bending forward to kiss him while my fingers traced his collarbone. I can tell he is hard though his jeans when suddenly he flips me onto my back and begins kissing down my torso. He pulls my bra down revealing my breasts and hard nipples which he playfully twists. FB kisses down to the waistband of my lace panties, he moves his arms under my thighs and continues kissing over my panties. He starts teasing with soft licks over my clit which causes me to arch my back in pleasure. In one single swift move he pulls my panties off and kisses softly before devouring me, any thoughts I had about him being inexperienced were quickly forgotten.

He traces my clit with his finger before inserting it into me, the combination of his fingers and tongue were rapidly taking me to orgasm, he stops briefly and pulls up to kiss me. I quickly undo his belt and jeans and he removes them, he kisses my breasts and bites my nipples before moving back down to my pussy. In no time at all I begin to orgasm, he hungrily laps up my pussy while I arch and writhe around. We kiss and I can taste my sweetness on his lips, while my hand runs up and down the length of his cock. He is average sized but had girth, I kissed down his torso as he had done to mine and playfully lick the tip of his erect cock. I lick my lips and spit on him before taking him into my mouth, he moans and lays back. His hand reaches to the back of my head and grabs a handful of hair, I take all of him into my mouth and grab the base with my hand and stroke up and down while still sucking. His other hand comes up to the back of my head and I allow him to facefuck me. His moans are turning me on more and more and I can sense he is getting close to orgasm. 

I stop and go get a condom from my bag, and put it on with my mouth, a trick a friend taught me years back. I sit on him and ease his hard cock into my soaking pussy. He feels amazing, and I begin grinding back and forth, his hands on my hips helping me keep rhythm. Quickly I can feel getting close to cumming, he senses this and starts rubbing my clit with his thumb. I grab the headboard of his bed for support as a violent orgasm tears through my body. He flips me over so he is on top of me and passionately kisses me as he slips back into me. I move my legs up and wrap around his hips, he sits back on his knees so he can watch his cock disappear into me. Our moans fill the room and he lays back down onto me and increases his speed, faster and deeper and I can tell he is going to cum soon. We kiss as he explodes into me. FB falls back next to me on the bed and softly kisses me on the forehead.

It's late, and I decide I should probably get the night bus back home, I got dressed and he walks me to the bus stop and waits with me. I get home and roll into bed with a smile on my face. My phone lights up with a text and its FB asking for a second date. I reply with a yes and roll back into bed. Out of curiosity I ask him how many women he had slept with, I get a reply. "You were the second". 

We arrange a date for the following week.

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