Thursday 2 June 2016

#TBT Clever Girl- NSFW

If you know me personally you are probably aware of my love for 'Jurassic Park'. There is a story involved with this while I have only told a select few people. But fuck it, it's funny and I'm sure it will give some of you a giggle.

This guy was my teenage boyfriend, and did his fair share of drugs. He always wore Lynx Africa so we shall refer to him as lynx. We often smoked and listened to Rammstien and fucked for hours. He was amazing at foreplay and knew exactly how to push my buttons and made me cum so much, I think being high in a dark room heightened my senses. 

One night he suggest we try acid. I had experimented with drugs in my teens and smoked a fair bit of weed but I had never tried LSD so I was a little apprehensive. He assured me it would be fine as he had done it before and promised to look after me. I agreed and we put the tiny squares of paper on our tongues and I prepared to lose myself. I was terrified this would end up like 'Trainspotting' and something terrible would happen. As I started to trip everything felt amazing, my nerve endings were on fire and the slightest touch sent shivers up my spine.

I began to get a little edgy that it was dark and he put the TV on in the background on for some white noise. Jurassic Park was on but I was too spaced to notice. We began to fumble around and he went down on me for what seemed hours I was in heaven, I felt amazing. Everything felt electric. We begin to fuck and it's primal. Aggressive and passionate the same time. We are hungry for each other. I feel an orgasm coming on strong and I seemed to be on edge for ages, he sensed this and kept me that way. This went on for around ten minutes, we were clawing at each other and enveloped in each other. 

The part with the raptors comes on the TV and just as the line 'Clever girl' is spoken I cum. Hard, I'm shaking an have no control over my body. It's amazing, I have never felt like that before, he kisses my forehead and we curl up and sleep.

A few months later we are watching 'Jurassic Park' again and as the raptors appear I weirdly begin to tingle and I can feel myself getting turned on, I'm thinking to myself "what the fuck is going on here?!) and then it happens. The words leave his mouth and somehow orgasm. Lynx is a little confused as I'm suddenly a whimpering ball next to him. 

So yeah, the phrase 'Clever girl' had subliminally made me orgasm. I forgot about it and never heard it again. Years later my room mate randomly said it to me joking and I shivered and whimpered. She was perplexed and I was bright red. I explained the story and she laughed about it for days. She would sneak up behind me and whisper it just to watch my knees go weak. I told someone I was dating as he asked for a funny story about myself and he whispered it to me while we were fucking, it pushed me over the edge.

I have managed to de-sensitize myself to it a little but it still makes me shudder.

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